Kyu-hyun Kim
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kyu-hyun Kim plays a role.
Formulation questions and responses in Korean TV talk show interactions Questioning and Answering Practices across Contexts and Cultures, Ilie, Cornelia (ed.), pp. 193–226 | Chapter
2021 This chapter examines the sequence-organizational role of the host’s formulation questions and the guest’s responses in entertainment-oriented Korean talk-shows. Constructed as a ‘follow-up’ re-presenting the upshot of the guest’s response on the host’s terms, the host’s formulation questions… read more
Sequential organization of post-predicate elements in Korean conversation: Pursuing uptake and modulating action Turn continuation in cross-linguistic perspective, Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth and Tsuyoshi Ono (eds.), pp. 573–603 | Article
2007 In this paper, various interactional features of turn-constructional unit (TCU) continuation as realized in Korean conversation through post-predicate elements are analyzed from a conversation-analytic perspective. Formulated as increments, post-predicate elements serve as re-completers by… read more
Confirming intersubjectivity through retroactive elaboration: Organization of phrasal units in other-initiated repair sequences in Korean conversation Studies in Interactional Linguistics, Selting, Margret and Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen (eds.), pp. 345–372 | Article
2001 Confirmation Sequences as Intercational Resources in Korean Language Proficiency Interviews Talking and Testing: Discourse approaches to the assessment of oral proficiency, Young, Richard and Agnes Weiyun He (eds.), pp. 297–332 | Article
1998 WH-clefs and left-dislocation in English conversation: cases of topicalization Word Order in Discourse, Downing, Pamela A. and Michael Noonan (eds.), pp. 247–296 | Article