Hanneke Loerts

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hanneke Loerts plays a role.


Hou, Junping, Hanneke Loerts and Marjolijn H. Verspoor 2020 Chapter 2. Coordination of linguistic subsystems as a sign of automatization?Complex Dynamic Systems Theory and L2 Writing Development, Fogal, Gary G. and Marjolijn H. Verspoor (eds.), pp. 27–48 | Chapter
This study explored retrodictively differences in developmental patterns between a learner who makes some progress and one that does not. Their twelve successive writings were analyzed on holistically scored measures of complexity, accuracy, fluency, idiomaticity, and coherence (CAFIC) and on… read more
Hooijschuur, Lisa, Nanna Haug Hilton and Hanneke Loerts 2017 Gesture use and its role for nativeness judgementsDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 6:1, pp. 21–40 | Article
Despite the fact that gestures are seen as part of language, they are usually not included in studies of ultimate attainment and native-likeness in a second language. The aim of the present study is twofold: to give a description of the variation in gesture frequency, type and placement among… read more
Hou, Junping, Marjolijn H. Verspoor and Hanneke Loerts 2016 An exploratory study into the dynamics of Chinese L2 writing developmentDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 5:1, pp. 65–96 | Article
The present study is inspired by the often heard Chinese university level students’ complaint that they do not improve in English proficiency during their university courses. With a pre-post design, the study explores the potential gains in language development in free response data (writing… read more