Frances H. Christie

List of John Benjamins publications for which Frances H. Christie plays a role.

Caple, Helen, David Butt, Frances H. Christie and Y. J. Doran 2023 Archiving an academic legacy: The Halliday and Hasan Archive projectLanguage, Context and Text 5:1, pp. 2–15 | Article
Michael Halliday’s and Ruqaiya Hasan’s estates have been found to include a large amount of unpublished materials: draft papers, research notes, photographs, comments on student papers and so on. They comprise important elements of their legacy and a potential research resource. In this paper we… read more
This paper reports on an analysis of the assessment principles used in marking students’ written texts in the UK. It considers the assessment advice offered markers with respect to two stories written by 14 year old students in the Key Stage 3 English test in England. The observations offered on… read more
Applied linguistics has not sufficiently addressed theories of teaching subject English in the mainstream classroom. This is unfortunate because applied linguistic theories can offer a great deal to the development of a theory of subject English. Over the last century, subject English has changed… read more
The relevance of linguistic studies to educational practices has been an issue hotly debated for some time among specialists in English language education. Many such specialists have questioned the value of any linguistic insights, preferring to rely on various pedagogical theories, most of them… read more
Christie, Frances H. 1987 The morning news genre: Using a functional grammar to illuminate educational issuesAustralian Applied Language Studies, McNamara, Tim F. (ed.), pp. 182–198 | Article
This paper aims to demonstrate how Halliday’s Functional Grammar (1985) may be used to illuminate educational questions, more specifically to illuminate the study of classroom discourse. Portion of a text from the lower primary school is examined. It is in fact drawn from a Morning News learning… read more
Christie, Frances H. 1982 English as a mother tongue: TeachingLanguage Planning, pp. 58–66 | Article