Agnes Pisanski Peterlin
List of John Benjamins publications for which Agnes Pisanski Peterlin plays a role.
Contrasting pronominal subjects: A cross-linguistic corpus study of English, Italian and Slovene Languages in Contrast 18:2, pp. 230–251 | Article
2018 Pronominal subject use constitutes a potential challenge in translation because of cross-linguistic differences: while the subject must be expressed in non-null subject languages, this is not necessary in null subject languages. The aim of the paper is twofold: first, to show that the type of… read more
Sound symbolism in translation: A case study of character names in Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist Translation and Interpreting Studies 12:1, pp. 137–161 | Article
2017 Readers may infer that literary characters are sympathetic or unsympathetic based on the perceived phonetics of character names. Drawing on brand name literature in marketing, we investigate whether Slovene and English speakers can identify sympathetic and unsympathetic characters in Charles… read more
Engagement markers in translated academic texts: Tracing translators’ interventions English Text Construction 9:2, pp. 268–291 | Article
2016 The author-audience interaction is an important issue in academic writing, but when academic texts are translated, new issues regarding the author-audience relationship arise because of the translator’s involvement in the text. This paper examines translators’ interventions in academic writing by… read more