Pascual Cantos Gómez

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pascual Cantos Gómez plays a role.

Support verb constructions figure among the most frequently investigated topics in the literature on collocation. So far, most studies of this kind have focused on bipartite structures, consisting of a verbal collocate and a nominal base. Accordingly, the analysis of how support verbs are… read more
Cantos Gómez, Pascual and Moises Almela Sanchez 2017 Colligational effects of collocation: Lexically-conditioned dependencies between modification patterns of the noun causeLexical Priming: Applications and advances, Pace-Sigge, Michael and Katie J. Patterson (eds.), pp. 231–249 | Chapter
Previous research into lexical constellations has uncovered the existence of dependency relations among different collocations of a word (Cantos & Sánchez 2001; Almela 2011; Almela et al. 2011; Almela 2014). Such dependencies are obtained when the strength of the attraction between a node and one… read more
Pérez-Paredes, Pascual and Pascual Cantos Gómez 2004 Some Lessons Students Learn: Self-discovery and CorporaCorpora and Language Learners, Aston, Guy, Silvia Bernardini and Dominic Stewart (eds.), pp. 247–257 | Article
Cantos Gómez, Pascual and Aquilino Sánchez 2001 Lexical Constellations: What Collocates Fail to TellInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 6:2, pp. 199–228 | Article
The aim of this paper is to shed new light on collocational analysis, reviewing the main stream of research on this issue and trying to overcome some of its intrinsic problems, such as determining the optimal span and partially explaining the reason for undesired collocates (statistically… read more
Various research centres and publishing companies all around the world have been developing corpus resources for many years, and there has been a growing awareness throughout the eighties of their importance to linguistic and lexicographic work. To give some idea of scale, the British National… read more