Massimo Cerruti

List of John Benjamins publications for which Massimo Cerruti plays a role.


Intermediate Language Varieties: Koinai and regional standards in Europe

Edited by Massimo Cerruti and Stavroula Tsiplakou

[Studies in Language Variation, 24] 2020. vi, 258 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
This paper provides an overview of ongoing processes of convergence in the Italian language. It focuses on regional varieties of Italian, which essentially are the result of the so-called dialectalisation of the standard language and are nowadays affected by extensive processes of vertical and… read more
This paper deals with the selection of morphosyntactic features in Italo-Romance. Firstly, a brief overview will be provided of the language space between traditional dialects and the standard variety of Italian, with particular emphasis on how this space is shaped differently across Italo-Romance.… read more
Cerruti, Massimo and Stavroula Tsiplakou 2020 Chapter 1. Koinai and regional standard varieties in Europe: An introductionIntermediate Language Varieties: Koinai and regional standards in Europe, Cerruti, Massimo and Stavroula Tsiplakou (eds.), pp. 1–29 | Chapter
The paper is inspired by the theoretical framework provided by Auer’s (2005) typology of “dialect/standard constellations”, which aims to detect common dynamics in the current processes of dialect/standard convergence in Europe. Some adjustments to Auer’s proposal will be suggested to better suit… read more