Ingar Brinck

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ingar Brinck plays a role.


Brinck, Ingar 2008 6. The role of intersubjectivity in the development of intentional communicationThe Shared Mind: Perspectives on intersubjectivity, Zlatev, Jordan, Timothy P. Racine, Chris Sinha and Esa Itkonen (eds.), pp. 115–140 | Article
The present account explains (i) which elements of nonverbal reference are intersubjective, (ii) what major effects intersubjectivity has on the general development of intentional communication and at what stages, and (iii) how intersubjectivity contributes to triggering the general capacity for… read more
Intentional communication is perceptually based and about attentional objects. Three attention mechanisms are distinguished: scanning, attention attraction, and attention-focusing. Attention-focusing directs the subject towards attentional objects. Attention-focusing is goal-governed (controlled by… read more