Niamh Nestor

List of John Benjamins publications for which Niamh Nestor plays a role.


Nestor, Niamh and Vera Regan 2015 The significance of age and place of residence in the positional distribution of discourse like in L2 speechPragmatic Markers in Irish English, Amador-Moreno, Carolina P., Kevin McCafferty and Elaine Vaughan (eds.), pp. 408–432 | Article
This chapter investigates the use of discourse markers in L2 Irish English, specifically like by Polish people, assuming that the use of discourse markers is an indicator of integration. Quantitative and qualitative approaches are used to analyse the corpus of speech, focusing in particular on the… read more
Nestor, Niamh, Caitriona Ni Chasaide and Vera Regan 2012 Discourse ‘like’ and social identity – a case study of Poles in IrelandNew Perspectives on Irish English, Migge, Bettina and Máire Ní Chiosáin (eds.), pp. 327–354 | Article
Ireland has experienced momentous change in the last decade and a half. Migrants now make up a significant percentage of the population and the question of integration continues to be pertinent. One indicator of integration is language, and the fluency with which an L2 speaker uses L1 discourse… read more