This article presents an argument that bare (singular) nouns in Papiamentu include additional silent functional structure, as proposed in Kester and Schmitt (2007). The argument is based on Dutch-Papiamentu code-switched noun phrases and exploits the crucial datum that a Dutch bare noun is… read more
Against the common-sense notion that bilinguals have two grammatical systems I argue that the linguistic system of a bilingual should be integrated, following ideas developed in more detail in López (2020). In particular, I argue that both the lexicon and the post-syntactic operations that lead… read more
This article argues that 2-alternative forced choice tasks and Thurstone’s law of comparative judgments (Thurstone, 1927) are well suited to investigate code-switching competence by means of acceptability judgments. We compare this method with commonly used Likert scale judgments and find that… read more
Seminal work in Distributed Morphology has posited an operation type calledObliteration(Arregi & Nevins, 2006), which deletes a terminal node from a structure. Obliteration is assumed to take place before Vocabulary Insertion (VI). Based on bilinguals’ acceptability judgments of negative sentences… read more
The main claim of this paper is that little v is responsible for a range of grammatical properties of the predicate phrase that it selects for. Bilingual light verb constructions in several code-switching varieties provide strong evidence for this claim. It allows us to broaden the empirical scope… read more
This chapter argues that Catalan Clitic Right Dislocation and English deaccenting package different types of information (contra Vallduví 1992, Vallduví & Engdahl 1996), only the former being a true discourse anaphor. This chapter further hypothesizes the following generalization: A language in… read more