Ana de Prada Pérez

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ana de Prada Pérez plays a role.

Prada Pérez, Ana de, Nicholas Vincent Feroce and Lillian Kennedy 2023 The use of default forms in codeswitching: Mood selection in SpanishLinguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 13:4, pp. 439–467 | Article
This paper examines the effects that codeswitching (CS) has on mood selection in restrictive relative clauses in the Spanish of heritage speakers (HSs). Spanish HS participants completed an online acceptability judgment task in which they rated monolingual (i.e., unilingual) and codeswitched… read more
Previous studies have observed different gender assignment strategies for English nouns in Spanish-English code-switching (CS). However, these studies have not investigated the role of noun gender canonicity of the Spanish equivalent, they have only examined participants in bilingual speaker… read more
Prada Pérez, Ana de 2020 Chapter 6. First person singular subject expression in Caribbean heritage speaker Spanish oral productionHispanic Contact Linguistics: Theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives, Ortiz López, Luis A., Rosa E. Guzzardo Tamargo and Melvin González-Rivera (eds.), pp. 139–162 | Chapter
Research on contact effects on subject pronoun expression in the U.S. has largely focused on Spanish in the U.S. Southwest and New York City (NYC). The conflicting results reported in this literature could be due to the differences in the distribution of varieties in these U.S. regions. To test… read more
In this paper we offer a variationist analysis of Spanish L2 subject pronoun expression (SPE) in sociolinguistic interviews, comparing first (1sg) and third person singular (3sg) subjects. Variationist analyses of Spanish L2 SPE are rather scant, with important differences in the analyses of… read more
Balam, Osmer and Ana de Prada Pérez 2016 On the productive use of ‘hacer + V’ in Northern Belize bilingual/trilingual codeswitchingSpanish-English Codeswitching in the Caribbean and the US, Guzzardo Tamargo, Rosa E., Catherine M. Mazak and M. Carmen Parafita Couto (eds.), pp. 261–279 | Article
We examine bilingual light verb constructions (BLVCs) in Northern Belize codeswitching by analyzing clause type, syntactic verb type, pronoun type and number of syllables in both switched and non-switched utterances. Results revealed that BLVCs appear in a rich variety of syntactic, lexical and… read more
Balam, Osmer, Ana de Prada Pérez and Dámaris Mayans 2014 A congruence approach to the study of bilingual compound verbs in Northern Belize contact SpanishSpanish in Context 11:2, pp. 243–265 | Article
Attested in a wide variety of contact situations, bilingual compound verbs (BCVs) have baffled linguists, as they are innovative hybrid constructions that appear superfluous. In the current study, we examine BCVs in Northern Belize, where Spanish/English language alternation occurs alongside the… read more
Syntactic-theoretic accounts report variation across languages on the availability of null pronominal subjects. As a result, languages are classified as null and non-null subject languages. However, the homogeneity or heterogeneity of null subject languages is not discussed. Variationist research,… read more