Marian A.F. Klamer
List of John Benjamins publications for which Marian A.F. Klamer plays a role.
Chapter 7. From Lamaholot to Alorese: Morphological loss in adult language contact Austronesian Undressed: How and why languages become isolating, Gil, David and Antoinette Schapper (eds.), pp. 339–368 | Chapter
2020 Alorese is a prime example of a morphologically isolating language. This paper traces the process of morphological simplification it has undergone by addressing the following questions: (i) What was the morphological profile of its ancestor, pre-Alorese? (ii) When did Alorese start to lose its… read more
Chapter 6. The history of numeral classifiers in Teiwa (Papuan) Number – Constructions and Semantics: Case studies from Africa, Amazonia, India and Oceania, Storch, Anne and Gerrit J. Dimmendaal (eds.), pp. 135–166 | Article
2014 The Papuan language Teiwa has a small set of sortal numeral classifiers: one human classifier, three fruit classifiers, and a general classifier. The classifiers vary widely in function and distribution, and it is argued that it is unlikely that they have been inherited. Instead, it is proposed… read more
3. East Nusantara as a linguistic area From Linguistic Areas to Areal Linguistics, Muysken, Pieter (ed.), pp. 95–149 | Article
2008 In this paper we consider how Eastern Indonesia may be treated as a linguistic area. We propose five defining linguistic features and we discuss their occurrence in some 40 Austronesian (AN) and non-Austronesian (NAN) languages of South Sulawesi, Flores, Sumba, Timor, Alor and Pantar, the Moluccas,… read more
Multi-categorial items as underspecified lexical entries: The case of Kambera wàngu Up and down the Cline – The Nature of Grammaticalization, Fischer, Olga, Muriel Norde and Harry Perridon (eds.), pp. 299–323 | Article
2004 14. ‘Report’ constructions in Kambera (Austronesian) Reported Discourse: A meeting ground for different linguistic domains, Güldemann, Tom and Manfred von Roncador (eds.), pp. 323–340 | Chapter
2002 Expressives and iconicity in the lexicon Ideophones, Voeltz, F.K. Erhard and Christa Kilian-Hatz (eds.), pp. 165–181 | Article
2001 Reduplication in Leti Linguistics in the Netherlands 1996, Cremers, Crit and Marcel den Dikken (eds.), pp. 109–120 | Article