Lisa Green

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lisa Green plays a role.


Child Language Variation: Sociolinguistic and formal approaches

Edited by Véronique Lacoste and Lisa Green

Special issue of Linguistic Variation 16:1 (2016) v, 150 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Typology
Lacoste, Véronique and Lisa Green 2016 Child language variation: Sociolinguistic and formal approachesChild Language Variation: Sociolinguistic and formal approaches, Lacoste, Véronique and Lisa Green (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Article
Newkirk-Turner, Brandi L. and Lisa Green 2016 Third person singular -s and event marking in child African American EnglishChild Language Variation: Sociolinguistic and formal approaches, Lacoste, Véronique and Lisa Green (eds.), pp. 103–130 | Article
This paper discusses 3rd person singular -s in the language of three- to six-year-old developing AAE speakers, in relation to early stages of zero 3rd person singular -s (Øs) and overt s marking. Data include a sentence repetition task and a story retell task. The speakers’ 3rd person singular -s… read more
Green, Lisa 2007 14. NPs in aspectual Be constructions in African American EnglishNoun Phrases in Creole Languages: A multi-faceted approach, Baptista, Marlyse and Jacqueline Guéron (eds.), pp. 403–420 | Chapter
This paper examines indefinite and bare plural NPs in aspectual be constructions in African American English (AAE). Aspectual be constructions are like simple tense generics in that they receive a habitual interpretation. The interpretation of singular indefinite subject NPs in aspectual be… read more
Roeper, Thomas and Lisa Green 2007 Node labels and features: Stable and unstable dialects and variation in acquisitionLinguistic Variation Yearbook 2007, van Craenenbroeck, Jeroen (ed.), pp. 1–26 | Article
We argue that the smallest shifts in grammar should give us the most precise insight into grammatical mechanisms. The often tiny differences captured by dialects become a natural focus for linguistic theory, precisely because of their variability and instability in the history of language and in… read more
Green, Lisa 2004 

African American English: A Linguistic Introduction

English World-Wide 25:1, pp. 162–164 | Miscellaneous