Dawei Jin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dawei Jin plays a role.


This paper analyzes a hitherto unnoticed semantic change process in Chinese, in which superlative operators emerge from lexical (adjectival) materials, and subsequently turn into definiteness markers. Our analysis focuses on the compositional semantics that underlies this meaning change trajectory.… read more
This paper investigates the semantics of an understudied Mandarin numeral construction type, here dubbed da-NumPs (i.e. number word < da ‘big’ < noun). Drawing primarily upon evidence from online Mandarin corpora, we argue for a taxonomy of this construction that comprises two distinct… read more
Abstract This paper proposes that adjunct island effects (Ross, 1967; Cattell, 1976) receive a discourse-semantic explanation. The exact formulation of this explanation builds upon previous work (e.g. Kehler, 2002) on island effects of conjuncts (Ross, 1967), which explains asymmetrical extraction… read more