Anja Steinlen
List of John Benjamins publications for which Anja Steinlen plays a role.
Majority and minority language elementary school children with and without reading difficulties in a regular foreign language and an immersion program: An exploratory study Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education: Online-First Articles | Article
2025 In Germany, the number of bilingual elementary schools, in which subjects are taught in a foreign language (FL), is on the rise. While previous research highlights advantages for typically developing students in such programs, little is known about at-risk learners, including those with reading… read more
Primary school minority and majority language children in a partial immersion program: The development of German and English reading skills Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 4:2, pp. 198–224 | Article
2016 Reading skills are among the basic skills acquired during the primary school years, and they play a key role in the acquisition of academic knowledge and later participation in society. Numerous studies have reported that children with a minority language background show deficits in the acquisition… read more