Carolyn Brockmeyer Cates

List of John Benjamins publications for which Carolyn Brockmeyer Cates plays a role.


Cates, Carolyn Brockmeyer and Ageliki Nicolopoulou 2019 Chapter 6. The effects of bookreading with and without mental state themes on preschoolers’ theory of mindNarrative, Literacy and Other Skills: Studies in intervention, Veneziano, Edy and Ageliki Nicolopoulou (eds.), pp. 129–149 | Chapter
This chapter reports a study providing evidence that narrative experience, in the form of interactive bookreading, promoted theory of mind abilities of preschoolers. Sixty-seven low-income 4- and 5-year-olds participated in either one of two types of bookreading training or in a control group. The… read more