Sandro Sessarego

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sandro Sessarego plays a role.


Subjects Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics

Variation and Evolution: Aspects of language contact and contrast across the Spanish-speaking world

Edited by Sandro Sessarego, Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana and Adrián Rodríguez-Riccelli

Subjects Contact Linguistics | Historical linguistics | Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Historical linguistics | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis

Edited by Sandro Sessarego and Fernando Tejedo-Herrero

Subjects Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Díaz-Campos, Manuel and Sandro Sessarego 2021 Introduction. Contemporary research on Latin American Spanish dialectologyAspects of Latin American Spanish Dialectology: In honor of Terrell A. Morgan, Díaz-Campos, Manuel and Sandro Sessarego (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Chapter
Korfhagen, David, Rajiv Rao and Sandro Sessarego 2021 Chapter 7. Declarative intonation in four Afro-Hispanic varieties: Phonological analysis and implicationsAspects of Latin American Spanish Dialectology: In honor of Terrell A. Morgan, Díaz-Campos, Manuel and Sandro Sessarego (eds.), pp. 155–180 | Chapter
This chapter studies declarative intonation using the Autosegmental-Metrical model of intonational phonology in four Afro-Hispanic varieties: Chinchano, Chocó, Chota Valley, and Yungueño. We analyze the inventory of pitch accents, intermediate phrase boundary tones and intonational phrase boundary… read more
Sessarego, Sandro 2021 A socio-historical perspective on the origin and evolution of two Afro-Andean vernacularsSpanish Socio-Historical Linguistics: Isolation and contact, Chappell, Whitney and Bridget Drinka (eds.), pp. 163–184 | Chapter
This paper casts light on the socio-historical background of two Afro-Andean vernaculars: Yungueño Spanish (Bolivia) and Choteño Spanish (Ecuador). Contrary to what has been suggested in the literature (Lipski 2008; Perez 2015; Schwegler 1999, 2014), results indicate that a concomitance of… read more
This paper provides an analysis of Afro-Peruvian Spanish (APS) declarative intonation. APS is an Afro-Hispanic vernacular spoken across some rural villages in the Province of Chincha, coastal Peru. Results indicate that APS does not follow declarative intonation patterns found in most normative… read more
Butera, Brianna, Sandro Sessarego and Rajiv Rao 2020 Afro-Peruvian Spanish declarative intonation: Analysis and implicationsHispanic Linguistics: Current issues and new directions, Morales-Front, Alfonso, Michael J. Ferreira, Ronald P. Leow and Cristina Sanz (eds.), pp. 229–248 | Chapter
This study offers an analysis of Afro-Peruvian Spanish (APS) declarative intonation. Our findings indicate that this dialect presents intonational features that diverge from other varieties of Spanish. It shows minimal downstepping across utterances and a predominant use of the L+H* pitch… read more
Rao, Rajiv and Sandro Sessarego 2020 IntroductionSpanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact: Studies from Africa, the Americas, and Spain, Rao, Rajiv (ed.), pp. 1–12 | Chapter
Sessarego, Sandro 2020 Casting light on the Spanish creole debate: A legal perspectiveHispanic Linguistics: Current issues and new directions, Morales-Front, Alfonso, Michael J. Ferreira, Ronald P. Leow and Cristina Sanz (eds.), pp. 327–342 | Chapter
This paper provides a legal perspective on the “Spanish Creole debate”, the debate concerning the paucity of Spanish creoles in the Americas (Lipski 2005; McWhorter 2000). In so doing, it presents the Legal Hypothesis of Creole Genesis (LHCG) (Sessarego 2015, 2017a) and tests it on Colombian… read more
Sessarego, Sandro 2020 Chapter 2. Chocó Spanish: An Afro-Hispanic language on the Spanish frontierHispanic Contact Linguistics: Theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives, Ortiz López, Luis A., Rosa E. Guzzardo Tamargo and Melvin González-Rivera (eds.), pp. 43–60 | Chapter
This paper presents sociohistorical and linguistic data to cast light on the origin and nature of Chocó Spanish (CS), an Afro-Hispanic dialect spoken in the Pacific lowlands of Colombia. This research suggests that neither the Decreolization Hypothesis (Granda, 1977; Schwegler, 1991a, 1991b) nor… read more
Sessarego, Sandro, Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana and Adrián Rodríguez-Riccelli 2020 Social and linguistic factors shaping language dynamics across the Spanish-speaking worldVariation and Evolution: Aspects of language contact and contrast across the Spanish-speaking world, Sessarego, Sandro, Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana and Adrián Rodríguez-Riccelli (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Chapter
This study analyzes patterns in syntax-pragmatics (subject pronoun use) and syntax-morphology (nominal and verbal phi-agreement) interfaces in two unrelated varieties of Spanish, namely Afro-Ecuadorian Spanish (AES) and Istanbulite Judeo-Spanish (IJS). In spite of their geographical distance, the… read more
The Null Subject Parameter (NSP) has been the focus of much debate in the syntactic and pragmatic literature. Within the realm of Spanish and Portuguese, the analysis of two dialects that do not follow its predictions (Dominican Spanish (DS) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP)) has led to the postulation… read more
Sessarego, Sandro and Jeremy King 2018 IntroductionLanguage Variation and Contact-Induced Change: Spanish across space and time, King, Jeremy and Sandro Sessarego (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Chapter
Perez, Danae, Sandro Sessarego and Eeva M. Sippola 2017 Chapter 12. Afro-Hispanic varieties in comparison: New light from phylogenyCreole Studies – Phylogenetic Approaches, Bakker, Peter, Finn Borchsenius, Carsten Levisen and Eeva M. Sippola (eds.), pp. 269–292 | Chapter
This study examines the potential of phylogenetic analysis in the classification and comparison of Spanish contact varieties, with special focus on three Afro-Hispanic varieties spoken in South America. Our analysis is based on typological and dialectal comparative data. The results of the… read more
Chocó Spanish is an Afro-Hispanic dialect spoken in the Pacific lowlands of Colombia. This variety is characterized by the presence of double-negative constructions (neg2) (i.e., yo no como no “I do not eat”), which have repeatedly been classified in the literature as the contemporary traces of… read more
This study offers a linguistic and sociohistorical analysis of Chocó Spanish (CS), an Afro-Hispanic variety spoken in the Pacific lowlands of Colombia by the descendants of the slaves taken to this region to work in gold mines during the colonial era. This research also tackles the many… read more
The origins of the Afro-Hispanic Languages of the Americas (AHLAs), the languages that developed in Latin America from the contact of African languages and Spanish in colonial times, are extremely intriguing, since it still has to be explained why we do not find creole languages in certain… read more
Morgan, Terrell A. and Sandro Sessarego 2016 A phonetic analysis of intervocalic /r/ in Highland Bolivian SpanishSpanish in Context 13:2, pp. 195–211 | Article
This paper provides a phonetic analysis of intervocalic /r/ in lower-class Highland Bolivian Spanish. Results show that in this dialect rhotic assibilation has progressed beyond the fricative [ř] already reported by several scholars (cf. Navarro Tomás 1980; Canfield 1981; Lipski 1994; Sessarego… read more
Sessarego, Sandro 2016 A response to PerezJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 31:1, pp. 200–212 | Article
Sessarego, Sandro and Fernando Tejedo-Herrero 2016 IntroductionSpanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis, Sessarego, Sandro and Fernando Tejedo-Herrero (eds.), pp. xi–xvi | Article
Sessarego, Sandro and Letania Ferreira 2016 Spanish and Portuguese parallels: Impoverished number agreement as a vernacular feature of two rural dialectsSpanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis, Sessarego, Sandro and Fernando Tejedo-Herrero (eds.), pp. 285–304 | Article
This paper investigates variable number agreement phenomena across the Determiner Phrase (DP) of two non-standard varieties of Spanish and Portuguese spoken in Latin America: Afro-Bolivian Spanish (ABS) and Popular Brazilian Portuguese (PBP). In line with recent studies in the field of minimalist… read more
Sessarego, Sandro and Rajiv Rao 2016 On the simplification of a prosodic inventory: The Afro-Bolivian Spanish caseInquiries in Hispanic Linguistics: From theory to empirical evidence, Cuza, Alejandro, Lori Czerwionka and Daniel Olson (eds.), pp. 171–190 | Article
This paper analyzes the declarative intonation of Afro-Bolivian Spanish (ABS) in terms of the realization of pitch accents and phrase boundary tones. We observe that the inventory of these phonological targets in ABS is much more reduced than what has been encountered in other native varieties of… read more
This study presents linguistic and sociohistorical data on Afro-Peruvian Spanish (APS), an Afro-Hispanic dialect spoken in the province of Chincha (coastal Peru) by the descendants of the slaves taken to this region to work on sugarcane plantations in the seventeenth century. The present work… read more
Chota Valley Spanish (CVS) is an Afro-Hispanic dialect spoken in the provinces of Imbabura and Carchi, Ecuador. The structure of CVS is relatively similar to Spanish, even though the conditions that characterized colonial Chota Valley seem — at a first glance — to have been ideal for a creole… read more
This article provides a sociohistorical and linguistic account for the development of Afro-Bolivian Spanish (ABS), an Afro-Hispanic vernacular spoken in Los Yungas, Department of La Paz, Bolivia. Previous research has indicated that ABS might be the descendent of an Afro-Hispanic pidgin (Lipski… read more
This paper provides an analysis of bare nouns in Afro-Bolivian Spanish. Their behavior does not fit the typology emerging from the Nominal Mapping Parameter. We consider several properties related to mass/count, kind, and indefinite/definite readings, and we conclude with an explanation based on… read more
Gutiérrez-Rexach, Javier and Sandro Sessarego 2011 The valuation of gender agreement in DP: Evidence from Afro-Bolivian SpanishRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2009: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Nice 2009, Berns, Janine, Haike Jacobs and Tobias Scheer (eds.), pp. 133–148 | Article
This paper analyzes gender agreement in the Determiner Phrase in Afro-Bolivian Spanish. Our data shows a case of cross-generational change, transitioning from a basilectal Afro-Bolivian variety to the more prestigious standard Bolivian Spanish. Recent minimalist models account for variability as… read more