Michael Grosvald

List of John Benjamins publications for which Michael Grosvald plays a role.


This paper describes a cross-modality investigation of the perception of long-distance coarticulation. We present the results of a sign study investigating anticipatory location-to-location (LL) effects in American Sign Language (ASL), and compare these findings with results of analogous research… read more
Grosvald, Michael and David P. Corina 2012 The production and perception of sub-phonemic vowel contrasts and the role of the listener in sound changeThe Initiation of Sound Change: Perception, production, and social factors, Solé, Maria-Josep and Daniel Recasens (eds.), pp. 77–100 | Article
In his work on the role of the listener in language change, Ohala (1981) suggests that acoustic byproducts of physiological linguistic processes may sometimes be perceived by listeners as linguistically important information, creating a cycle which may ultimately lead to language change. To explore… read more