Peter Wingrove

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Wingrove plays a role.


Wingrove, Peter 2022 Narrative discourse in TED TalksEnglish Text Construction 15:1, pp. 89–111 | Article
This article investigates the extent to which TED talks can be considered a narrative register. This study analyses ‘narrative versus non-narrative discourse’ (Biber 1988) in a corpus of TED talks (n = 2483). TED talks were found to be typically non-narrative (−2.47 mean). However, there was a… read more
Wingrove, Peter and Peter Crosthwaite 2022 Multi-Dimensional Exploratory Factor Analysis of TED talksRegister Studies 4:1, pp. 91–131 | Article
This article conducts Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) on a corpus of TED talks (2463 talks, across 427 topic tags) to create a new Multi-Dimensional model. The resultant model contained seven dimensions: i. ‘Spontaneous involved versus edited informational discourse’, ii. ‘Abstract… read more
Hultgren, Anna Kristina, Dogan Yuksel, Beatrice Zuaro, Marion Nao and Peter Wingrove Opening up research on English-medium instruction: New interdisciplinary perspectivesJournal of English-Medium Instruction: Online-First Articles | Article
The introductory paper to this special issue makes a call for interdisciplinarity in English as a medium of instruction (EMI) on the grounds that EMI can only be properly studied and its challenges addressed by understanding its entanglement with a wider political, economic and social… read more