Emmeline Gyselinck
List of John Benjamins publications for which Emmeline Gyselinck plays a role.
(Re)shaping the constructional network: Modeling shifts and reorganizations in the network hierarchy Nodes and Networks in Diachronic Construction Grammar, Sommerer, Lotte and Elena Smirnova (eds.), pp. 107–140 | Chapter
2020 This paper takes a dynamic perspective on constructional networks by investigating which factors play a role in the architecture of the network and how its internal structure may be reorganized over time. It starts from the idea that the network hierarchy is constantly being reconfigured: new… read more
Tracking shifts in the literal versus the intensifying fake reflexive resultative construction: The development of intensifying dood ‘dead’ in 19th–20th Century Dutch Computational Construction Grammar and Constructional Change, Beuls, Katrien and Remi van Trijp (eds.), pp. 55–90 | Article
2016 This paper explores diachronic shifts in the literal and intensifying uses of dood ‘dead’ in the Dutch fake reflexive resultative construction. Without sufficient context, a clause like Hij werkte zich dood (lit. ‘He worked himself dead’) is ambiguous in that it is unclear whether dood expresses… read more