Sónia Frota

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sónia Frota plays a role.

Book series


Phonetics and Phonology: Interactions and interrelations

Edited by Marina Vigário, Sónia Frota and M. João Freitas

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 306] 2009. vi, 290 pp.
Subjects Phonetics | Phonology | Theoretical linguistics
Frota, Sónia and Joseph Butler 2018 Chapter 8. Early development of intonation: Perception and productionThe Development of Prosody in First Language Acquisition, Prieto, Pilar and Núria Esteve-Gibert (eds.), pp. 145–164 | Chapter
This chapter focuses on early development of intonation. Together with a precocious sensitivity to prosody documented in the literature, recent research has shown that infants’ early perception of pitch-based categories is already language-specific by 4–5 months, and that their discrimination… read more
Castelo, Joelma and Sónia Frota 2017 Chapter 4. The yes-no question contour in Brazilian Portuguese: A geographical continuumStudies on Variation in Portuguese, Barbosa, Pilar, Maria da Conceição de Paiva and Celeste Rodrigues (eds.), pp. 111–134 | Chapter
The main goal of this paper is to provide a phonological analysis of neutral yes-no questions in Brazilian Portuguese in seven varieties (Paraíba, Sergipe, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul), most of them spoken along the Atlantic Coast. The analysis followed… read more
Cruz, Marisa, Pedro Oliveira, Pedro Palma, Bruno Neto and Sónia Frota 2017 Chapter 3. Building a prosodic profile of European Portuguese varieties: The challenge of mapping intonation and rhythmStudies on Variation in Portuguese, Barbosa, Pilar, Maria da Conceição de Paiva and Celeste Rodrigues (eds.), pp. 81–110 | Chapter
In the present paper we explore a methodology to map prosodic variation in Portuguese, namely intonation and rhythm, which goes beyond the traditional approaches used to represent segmental, lexical or syntactic variation. To find the most adequate mapping method for intonation and rhythm, we… read more
Filipe, Marisa, Sónia Frota, Adrienne Villagomez and Selene G. Vicente 2016 Prosody in Portuguese Children with HighFunctioning AutismIntonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields, Armstrong, Meghan E., Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell (eds.), pp. 277–294 | Article
There is a lack of research investigating prosody in Portuguese children with autism. In this chapter, we analyze 15 Portuguese children aged 5–9 years with high-functioning autism (HFA) in comparison to their typically developing peers. We also evaluated nonverbal intelligence, vocabulary,… read more
Frota, Sónia, Marisa Cruz, Nuno Matos and Marina Vigário 2016 Early Prosodic Development: Emerging intonation and phrasing in European PortugueseIntonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields, Armstrong, Meghan E., Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell (eds.), pp. 295–324 | Article
Studies of emerging prosody from the word to the phrase, integrating various sources of evidence, are scarce, and our understanding of the pathways of prosodic development is still very limited. An investigation of emerging intonation and prosodic phrasing was undertaken on the basis of production… read more
Frota, Sónia, Charlotte Galves, Marina Vigário, Verónica Gonzalez-Lopez and Bernadete Abaurre 2012 The phonology of rhythm from Classical to Modern PortugueseJournal of Historical Linguistics 2:2, pp. 173–207 | Article
The prosodic change that has been reported to have occurred from Classical to Modern Portuguese is investigated by means of a new approach to the study of rhythm in language change. Assuming that rhythm is a by-product of the presence/absence of a set of properties in a given linguistic system, we… read more
Frota, Sónia, Mariapaola D’Imperio, Gorka Elordieta, Pilar Prieto and Marina Vigário 2007 The phonetics and phonology of intonational phrasing in RomanceSegmental and prosodic issues in Romance phonology, Prieto, Pilar, Joan Mascaró and Maria-Josep Solé (eds.), pp. 131–153 | Article
This paper examines the phonetics and phonology of intonational boundaries in five Romance languages/varieties. A typology of the boundary cues used is given, as well as their relative frequency. The phonology of the tonal boundary gesture is described by means of the inventory of nuclear accents… read more