Lieselotte Brems

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lieselotte Brems plays a role.


Grammar, usage and discourse: Functional studies offered to Kristin Davidse

Edited by Lieven Vandelanotte, Wout Van Praet and Lieselotte Brems

Special issue of English Text Construction 10:2 (2017) v, 159 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | English linguistics | English literature & literary studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Intersubjectivity and Intersubjectification in Grammar and Discourse: Theoretical and descriptive advances

Edited by Lieselotte Brems, Lobke Ghesquière and Freek Van de Velde

[Benjamins Current Topics, 65] 2014. vi, 161 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Pragmatics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Intersections of Intersubjectivity

Edited by Lieselotte Brems, Lobke Ghesquière and Freek Van de Velde

Special issue of English Text Construction 5:1 (2012) v, 152 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | English linguistics | English literature & literary studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Grammaticalization and Language Change: New reflections

Edited by Kristin Davidse, Tine Breban, Lieselotte Brems and Tanja Mortelmans

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 130] 2012. viii, 342 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Based on qualitative and quantitative corpus research, this chapter argues that constructions with chance(s) in Present-day English enrich Talmy’s (1988) greater modal system in various ways. Firstly, in their modal uses they are equivalent to core modal auxiliaries and encode especially dynamic… read more
Gentens, Caroline, Ditte Kimps, Kristin Davidse, Gilles Jacobs, An Van linden and Lieselotte Brems 2016 Mirativity and rhetorical structure: The development and prosody of disjunct and anaphoric adverbials with ‘no’ wonderOutside the Clause: Form and function of extra-clausal constituents, Kaltenböck, Gunther, Evelien Keizer and Arne Lohmann (eds.), pp. 125–156 | Article
This paper studies from a synchronic-diachronic perspective the formal and semantic-discursive properties of adverbial expressions with a negative quantifier + wonder (henceforth ‘no’ wonder). They are used as mirative qualifiers which assess a proposition as ‘not surprising’, typically motivated… read more
Brems, Lieselotte, Lobke Ghesquière and Freek Van de Velde 2014 Intersections of intersubjectivityIntersubjectivity and Intersubjectification in Grammar and Discourse: Theoretical and descriptive advances, Brems, Lieselotte, Lobke Ghesquière and Freek Van de Velde (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Article
Ghesquière, Lobke, Lieselotte Brems and Freek Van de Velde 2014 Intersubjectivity and intersubjectification: Typology and operationalizationIntersubjectivity and Intersubjectification in Grammar and Discourse: Theoretical and descriptive advances, Brems, Lieselotte, Lobke Ghesquière and Freek Van de Velde (eds.), pp. 129–153 | Article
In this paper we present our views on intersubjectivity and intersubjectification with reference to case studies on adjectives, hedges, tags, honorifics, etc. Building on Diessel’s notion of “joint attention” and Traugott’s approach to intersubjectivity, we propose a distinction between three types… read more
Brems, Lieselotte 2013 Karin Aijmer (ed.), Contrastive PragmaticsEnglish Text Construction 6:2, pp. 301–305 | Article
Breban, Tine, Jeroen Vanderbiesen, Kristin Davidse, Lieselotte Brems and Tanja Mortelmans 2012 Introduction: New reflections on the sources, outcomes, defining features and motivations of grammaticalizationGrammaticalization and Language Change: New reflections, Davidse, Kristin, Tine Breban, Lieselotte Brems and Tanja Mortelmans (eds.), pp. 1–36 | Article
Based on exhaustive diachronic corpus data, this paper determines the relative chronology in which the size nouns heap(s) and lot(s) have developed quantifier uses within NP of NP-syntagms, as in heaps / a lot of people. Using a constructional approach, it is claimed that size nouns occur in three… read more
Brems, Lieselotte, Lobke Ghesquière and Freek Van de Velde 2012 Intersections of intersubjectivityIntersections of Intersubjectivity, Brems, Lieselotte, Lobke Ghesquière and Freek Van de Velde (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Article
Ghesquière, Lobke, Lieselotte Brems and Freek Van de Velde 2012 Intersubjectivity and intersubjectification: Typology and operationalizationIntersections of Intersubjectivity, Brems, Lieselotte, Lobke Ghesquière and Freek Van de Velde (eds.), pp. 128–152 | Article
In this paper we present our views on intersubjectivity and intersubjectification with reference to case studies on adjectives, hedges, tags, honorifics, etc. Building on Diessel’s notion of “joint attention” and Traugott’s approach to intersubjectivity, we propose a distinction between three… read more
Davidse, Kristin, Lieselotte Brems and Liesbeth De Smedt 2008 Type noun uses in the English NP: A case of right to left layeringInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 13:2, pp. 139–168 | Article
This article addresses the relatively neglected question of identifying and characterizing the various uses of sort, kind and type in the English NP. It does so on the basis of close analysis of a set of data extracted from the Times subcorpus of the COBUILD corpus. The proposed description refers… read more
In a narrow sense, the term ‘Measure Noun' (MN) refers to such nouns as acre and kilo, which typically measure off a well-established and specific portion of the mass or entity specified in a following of-phrase, e.g. a kilo of apples. When used like this, the MN is generally considered to… read more