En este estudio, se describe el funcionamiento de los procesos de encapsulación realizados por los pronombres demostrativos neutros ‘esto’, ‘eso’ y ‘aquello’ en el discurso de la economía (8.044 casos). Los objetivos específicos de este estudio son, en primer lugar, identificar la frecuencia de… read more
This paper focuses on the identification of academic written genres from two corpora of reading material in Spanish that undergraduate and graduate university students are assigned in order to access specialized information across seven disciplines, namely Biotechnology, Chemistry, Economics,… read more
The concept of discourse genre has been a focus of analysis and discussion in recent literature. Multiple alternative conceptions and classifications have been advanced, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. During the last ten to fifteen years an important debate has taken place in… read more
The issue of disciplinarity is increasingly salient in language studies. Questions as to how undergraduate students construct disciplinary knowledge from the texts included in the university curricula and how the knowledge structure involved in these texts helps to shape educational experiences and… read more
It is hard to find research in which the rhetorical organisation of a discourse genre and the respective frequency of occurrence of moves and steps are worked together across disciplines. This chapter aims to become a step in helping to fill this gap in research on Spanish. The Textbook genre, the… read more
This introductory chapter describes the aim of the book and explains how each chapter contributes to this aim; so they do not stand alone as isolated or disconnected pieces. In addition, background information is provided about the production process of this volume and how all of the pieces came to… read more
This chapter focuses on describing the largest available on-line corpora (59 million words) of written specialized Spanish on four disciplines: Psychology, Social Work, Industrial Chemistry, and Construction Engineering. The corpora were collected in one Chilean university and in the corresponding… read more
In this last chapter of the book, a revision of all findings is presented. Also, a critical analysis of the theoretical framework and the proposed criteria for identifying genres (Chapter 2 and 3) with a comparison with the empirical outcomes obtained through the chapters is offered. Projections… read more
In this chapter, we identify and describe the rhetorical organization of the Textbook genre, based on a part of the PUCV-2006 Academic Corpus of Spanish. This corpus includes a total amount of one hundred and twenty-six textbooks collected from four disciplines: Social Work, Psychology,… read more
The identification and the classification of discourse genres have been one of the important concerns in linguistics studies. Particularly, since genres are analysed as complex objects and multi-dimensional approaches have been employed in order to capture their dynamic nature, more precise… read more