Annamari Korhonen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Annamari Korhonen plays a role.


I apply artefact analysis and systemic functional discourse analysis as independent but complementary methods to examine revision files exported from Trados Studio translation software. The methods are intended to be used as part of cognitive ethnographic investigations of professional… read more
The translation production team that consists of a translator and a reviser can be investigated as a specific kind of (sub)system of socially distributed cognition, a cognitive dyad; this system is defined as only including the translation professionals who are directly involved in the drafting… read more
Korhonen, Annamari and Maija Hirvonen 2021 Joint creative process in translation: Socially distributed cognition in two production contextsDevelopments in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Xiao, Kairong and Sandra L. Halverson (eds.), pp. 251–276 | Article
In this article, we explore socially distributed cognition (SDC) as a theoretical model of translation and investigate it empirically as an aspect of the collaborative and creative translation workflow. With the aim of developing a better understanding of SDC and collaborative workflows in… read more