Maya Libben

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maya Libben plays a role.


Bilingualism: A framework for understanding the mental lexicon

Edited by Maya Libben, Mira Goral and Gary Libben

[Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 6] 2017. xvii, 252 pp.
Subjects Morphology | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics | Semantics


Libben, Maya 2017 Non-selective language activation and bilingualism as the default mental lexiconBilingualism: A framework for understanding the mental lexicon, Libben, Maya, Mira Goral and Gary Libben (eds.), pp. 103–122 | Chapter
The current chapter takes the approach that the default mental lexicon is the bilingual mental lexicon. We present a subset of models from the bilingual research literature and argue that such models could be adapted to simultaneously explain multilingual and monolingual language functioning. We… read more
Libben, Maya, Mira Goral and Gary Libben 2017 The dynamic lexicon: Complex words in bilingual mindsBilingualism: A framework for understanding the mental lexicon, Libben, Maya, Mira Goral and Gary Libben (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Introduction
We address a core question about idioms relevant to formulaic language generally: are the figurative meanings of idioms directly retrieved or compositionally built? An understanding of this question has been previously obscured by the fact that idioms vary in ways that can affect processing, and… read more