Julie Deconinck
List of John Benjamins publications for which Julie Deconinck plays a role.
Looking for form-meaning motivation in new L2 words: A think-aloud study among proficient learners of English English Text Construction 7:2, pp. 249–280 | Article
2014 In a previous, effect-of-instruction study (Deconinck et al. 2010), we reported on the benefits for word learning of an intervention which prompts learners to evaluate the extent to which a novel word’s meaning is congruent with its form. However, that study did not explore the nature of the… read more
Helping learners engage with L2 words: The form–meaning fit Applied Cognitive Linguistics in Second Language Learning and Teaching, Littlemore, Jeannette and Constanze Juchem-Grundmann (eds.), pp. 95–114 | Article
2010 The pace at which new words are acquired is influenced by the degree of engagement with them on the part of the learner. Insights from cognitive linguistics into the non-arbitrary aspects of vocabulary can be turned into stimuli for such engagement. The majority of Cognitive Linguists’ proposals… read more