Olli O. Silvennoinen
List of John Benjamins publications for which Olli O. Silvennoinen plays a role.
Asymmetry in temporal specification between affirmation and negation: Adverbials and tense-aspect neutralization Studies in Language: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 One cross-linguistically recurrent asymmetry between affirmation and negation is the neutralization of tense-aspect distinctions in negatives. A functional explanation proposed for this is that in their typical discourse context negatives have less need for temporal specification than affirmatives… read more
Constructional schemas in variation: Modelling contrastive negation Constructions and Frames 10:1, pp. 1–37 | Article
2018 This paper discusses constructional variation in the domain of contrastive negation in English, using data from the British National Corpus. Contrastive negation refers to constructs with two parts, one negative and the other affirmative, such that the affirmative offers an alternative to the… read more