Ekrema Mohammad Shehab

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ekrema Mohammad Shehab plays a role.

Shehab, Ekrema Mohammad, Abdelkarim Tawfiq Daragmeh, Abdul-Rahman Saleh Qadan and Reema Essam Nazzal 2022 A cognitive approach to metaphor translation in business texts: The case of English into Arabic translationFORUM 20:1, pp. 116–133 | Article
A metaphor is normally deployed for specific rhetorical and aesthetic functions. However, in the commercial context, metaphor usage displays specific communicative functions as exhibited in the English business texts we sampled for this study. We examine the translation of business metaphor from… read more
Shehab, Ekrema Mohammad, Abdelkarim Tawfiq Daragmeh and Iman Rayyan 2019 The translation of Palestinian prisoners’ cryptic security Arabic terms into EnglishBabel 65:5, pp. 648–661 | Article
This study deals with the translation into English of nine cryptic security Arabic terms Palestinian prisoners have nomenclatured in response to the life conditions in Israeli prisons. These terms were collected from prison literature and through interviews with five newly-freed Palestinian… read more
Shehab, Ekrema Mohammad and Abdelkarim Tawfiq Daragmeh 2018 Textual transformation of an Arabic poem into an American rap songFORUM 16:2, pp. 265–283 | Article
Arabic poetry and English rap are strikingly different products owing to the divergent language pairs and genre pairs. This study examines the nature and degree of change in translating the content of Arabic poetry into English rap. It studies three main content-based elements in the original… read more
Shehab, Ekrema Mohammad 2016 Pragmatic failure in translating Arabic implicatures into EnglishBabel 62:1, pp. 21–38 | Article
The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it attempts to demonstrate that Arabic utterances involving euphemisms, tautologies and ironies (henceforth Arabic implicatures) lend themselves readily to a Gricean interpretation and, second, it shows how Arabic implicatures in their immediate, social… read more