Sandrine Tailleur
List of John Benjamins publications for which Sandrine Tailleur plays a role.
From local to supra-local: Hybridity in French written documents from the nineteenth century Norms and Usage in Language History, 1600–1900: A sociolinguistic and comparative perspective, Rutten, Gijsbert, Rik Vosters and Wim Vandenbussche (eds.), pp. 223–248 | Article
2014 This article discusses the ‘hybrid’ writing practices of two socially distinct (groups of) writers from nineteenth century French Canada; we specifically focus on their acceptance of (supra-)local language norms. We argue that the writers from the well-known bourgeois Papineau family progressively… read more
The French wh interrogative system: Evolution and clefting Variation within and across Romance Languages: Selected papers from the 41st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Ottawa, 5–7 May 2011, Côté, Marie-Hélène and Eric Mathieu (eds.), pp. 315–330 | Article
2014 Today French speakers have access to at least five different variants of wh questions, which shows the inherent complexity of the wh interrogative system. This article aims at providing new pieces of evidence for the analysis of French wh interrogatives. Through the study of the evolution and usage… read more