Mari Hatavara

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mari Hatavara plays a role.



Real Fictions: Fictionality, factuality and narrative strategies in contemporary storytelling

Edited by Sam Browse, Alison Gibbons and Mari Hatavara

Special issue of Narrative Inquiry 29:2 (2019) v, 189 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Narrative Studies

The Travelling Concepts of Narrative

Edited by Mari Hatavara, Lars-Christer Hydén and Matti Hyvärinen

[Studies in Narrative, 18] 2013. vi, 311 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Narrative Studies | Pragmatics
Hatavara, Mari, Hanna Rautajoki and Jarkko Toikkanen 2024 Storybaiting online. Interactive life storying in social mediaNarrative Inquiry: Online-First Articles | Article
We study co-constructed narrative exchange in online storytelling. Our test case is the Finnish YouTuber Niilo22, an unemployed person who broadcasts frequent video clips of his everyday activities while chatting on stock issues and interacting with his followers. Followers engage in lively… read more
Hatavara, Mari, Kirsi Sandberg, Mykola Andrushchenko, Sari Hälikkö, Jyrki Nummenmaa, Timo Nummenmaa, Jaakko Peltonen and Matti Hyvärinen 2024 Computational recognition of narratives: Applying narratological definitions to the analysis of political language useApplied Narratology, Moenandar, Sjoerd-Jeroen, Laura Karttunen and Anna Ovaska (eds.), pp. 335–363 | Article
Computational recognition of narratives, if successful, would find innumerable applications with large digitized datasets. Systematic identification of narratives in the text flow could significantly contribute to such pivotal questions as where, when, and how narratives are employed. This paper… read more
Hyvärinen, Matti, Mari Hatavara and Hanna Rautajoki 2021 Positioning with master and counter-narrativesMethodology of Narrative Study: What the first thirty years of Narrative Inquiry have revealed, McCabe, Allyssa and Dorien Van De Mieroop (eds.), pp. 97–125 | Article
Narrative studies have witnessed a growing interest towards positioning analyses and the analysis of master and counter-narratives. While the former tends to prefer a small story approach and to draw on Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis, the latter engages in a variety of… read more
This article approaches fictionality as a set of semiotic strategies prototypically associated with fictional forms of storytelling (Hatavara & Mildorf, 2017b). Whilst these strategies are strongly associated with fiction, they might also be used in non-fictional and ontologically ambivalent… read more
Browse, Sam, Alison Gibbons and Mari Hatavara 2019 Real fictions: Fictionality, factuality and narrative strategies in contemporary storytellingReal Fictions: Fictionality, factuality and narrative strategies in contemporary storytelling, Browse, Sam, Alison Gibbons and Mari Hatavara (eds.), pp. 245–267 | Article
Hatavara, Mari 2013 Making sense in autobiographyThe Travelling Concepts of Narrative, Hatavara, Mari, Lars-Christer Hydén and Matti Hyvärinen (eds.), pp. 163–178 | Article
This chapter discusses two autobiographies, one genuine and one fictional, with emphasis on the textuality of literature. The analysis does not seek a demarcation line between fact and fiction, but studies two literary texts as sites of sense-making. The aim is to demonstrate that a literary text… read more
Hatavara, Mari, Lars-Christer Hydén and Matti Hyvärinen 2013 Introduction, or another story of narrativeThe Travelling Concepts of Narrative, Hatavara, Mari, Lars-Christer Hydén and Matti Hyvärinen (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Article
Victimologists observe that telling one’s story can foster healing for survivors of violence. To understand these processes better, victims’ narratives must be understood as situated acts of telling. This paper takes one man’s narration of victimization long past — child abuse and rape — as a… read more