Oliver James Ballance

List of John Benjamins publications for which Oliver James Ballance plays a role.


Ballance, Oliver James and Averil Coxhead 2020 How much vocabulary is needed to use a concordance?International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 25:1, pp. 36–61 | Article
Vocabulary load is a predictor of comprehension and a common concern in relation to learner use of concordances; however, vocabulary load figures for whole texts have limited relevance to learner use of concordances. This paper explores the average vocabulary load of the citations (or lines) in a… read more
The Vocabulary Levels Test (Nation, 1983; Schmitt, Schmitt, & Clapham, 2001) indicates the word frequency level that should be used to select words for learning. The present study involves the development and validation of two new forms of the test. The new forms consist of five levels measuring… read more