Patricia Gubitosi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Patricia Gubitosi plays a role.


Linguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking World

Edited by Patricia Gubitosi and Michelle F. Ramos Pellicia

Subjects Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Gubitosi, Patricia and Paola Medina González 2023 Visibility and (re)vitalization: The case of Asturian language in Asturias, SpainPromoting linguistic vitality through public policy: The role of rules, costs and incentives, Wickström, Bengt-Arne, Noémi Nagy, Anneliese Rieger-Roschitz and Balázs Vizi (eds.), pp. 208–229 | Article
Recent sociolinguistic research has shown the impact of public use of language expressions on people’s attitudes towards their language and how language can be susceptible to its environments. In this regard, the linguistic landscape (henceforth, LL) of a community helps sociolinguists to… read more
Gubitosi, Patricia and Irina Lifszyc 2022 Lunfardo and political (dis)agreements in the public spaceWhen Dialogue Fails, Müller-Wood, Anja (ed.), pp. 12–34 | Article
Linguistic landscapes are useful tools to decipher language ideologies that regulate public spaces in society, helping us to decode the semiotic messages that those landscapes transmit. Urban spaces also reveal social practices that organize people’s lives and unveil social discourses that… read more
Arias Alvarez, Alba and Patricia Gubitosi 2021 Chapter 4. Ideologies in the linguistic landscape: The semiotic construction of the Puerto Rican identityLinguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking World, Gubitosi, Patricia and Michelle F. Ramos Pellicia (eds.), pp. 105–132 | Chapter
Linguistic Landscape (LL) research is a useful tool to uncover language ideologies related to the construction of ethnic identities within a public space. Language in the public space may reflect the sociopolitical encounters and differences that exist within a community and need to be… read more
Gubitosi, Patricia and Michelle F. Ramos Pellicia 2021 Introduction: Uncovering the voice of minority groupsLinguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking World, Gubitosi, Patricia and Michelle F. Ramos Pellicia (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Chapter
Gubitosi, Patricia and Judy de Olivieira 2020 Portuguese in Massachusetts: Linguistic attitudes, social networks and language maintenanceNew Approaches to Language Attitudes in the Hispanic and Lusophone World, Bugel, Talia and Cecilia Montes-Alcalá (eds.), pp. 207–230 | Chapter
In the state of Massachusetts, Portuguese is the second most spoken foreign language after Spanish and the dense population of Portuguese speakers gives this community vitality. This paper analyzes the linguistic attitudes of a group of twenty Portuguese men and women, from the island of Saint… read more