Despina Papadopoulou

List of John Benjamins publications for which Despina Papadopoulou plays a role.



Charatzidis, Andreas, Athanasios Georgopoulos, Despina Papadopoulou and Alexandros Tantos 2023 Anaphora resolution in L1 Greek: A corpus-based studyIndividual Differences in Anaphora Resolution: Language and cognitive effects, Fotiadou, Georgia and Ianthi Maria Tsimpli (eds.), pp. 22–47 | Chapter
By means of an annotated corpus of 13,085 words, this paper investigates discourse-level anaphora in L1 Greek, exploring the anaphoric preferences of referring expressions in subject position and the effect of several factors on antecedent prominence. Longer referential forms are supposed to… read more
Olioumtsevits, Konstantina, Despina Papadopoulou and Theodoros Marinis 2023 Second language grammar learning in refugee children: Is group dictation an effective teaching technique?Pedagogical Linguistics 4:1, pp. 50–76 | Article
This exploratory study aims to investigate the effectiveness of group dictation in primary school children with a refugee background. More specifically, running dictation was employed in the teaching of two grammatical phenomena in L2 Greek, tense and gender agreement. Two studies were conducted… read more
Andreou, Maria, Ifigenia Dosi, Despina Papadopoulou and Ianthi Maria Tsimpli 2020 Heritage and non-heritage bilinguals: The role of biliteracy and bilingual educationLost in Transmission: The role of attrition and input in heritage language development, Brehmer, Bernhard and Jeanine Treffers-Daller (eds.), pp. 171–196 | Chapter
The present study explores the effects of literacy support in the languages of the bilingual child on the linguistic and cognitive skills of (non-)heritage speakers. 70 children speaking Albanian (L1) and Greek (L2) are divided into three groups according to whether they receive literacy support in… read more
Dosi, Ifigenia, Despina Papadopoulou and Ianthi Maria Tsimpli 2017 Issues in the acquisition of grammatical aspect in Greek-English bilingual childrenTense-Aspect-Modality in a Second Language: Contemporary perspectives, Howard, Martin and Pascale Leclercq (eds.), pp. 75–103 | Article
The present study investigates the comprehension of perfective and imperfective aspect in Greek-English bilingual children. Previous work on L2 acquisition of aspect indicates that imperfective aspect appears later than perfective aspect in the marking of past events across various languages… read more
Kaili, Hasan, Aytaç Çeltek and Despina Papadopoulou 2016 The acquisition of TAM markers in L2 Turkish: Evidence from Greek learnersSecond Language Acquisition of Turkish, Gürel, Ayşe (ed.), pp. 75–106 | Article
The acquisition of tense, aspect and modality (TAM) poses a major acquisition problem for adult second language (L2) learners. Early interlanguages are reported to be impoverished with respect to the use of TAM markers. In this paper, we investigate the acquisition and the use of TAM morphemes… read more
Agathopoulou, Eleni and Despina Papadopoulou 2009 Morphological dissociations in the L2 acquisition of an inflectionally rich languageEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 9 (2009), Roberts, Leah, Georges Daniel Véronique, Anna Nilsson and Marion Tellier (eds.), pp. 107–131 | Article
This study investigates the validity of Pinker’s (1991, 1999) Dual-Mechanism Model in the mental representation of regular and irregular active past perfective verbs in adult non-native Greek. In this model, regular inflection is computed by a symbolic rule, while irregular words are fully stored… read more
Tsimpli, Ianthi Maria and Despina Papadopoulou 2009 Aspect and the Interpretation of Motion Verbs in L2 GreekRepresentational Deficits in SLA: Studies in honor of Roger Hawkins, Snape, Neal, Yan-kit Ingrid Leung and Michael Sharwood Smith (eds.), pp. 187–227 | Article
This study examines the role of aspect in L2 acquisition within the framework of the Interpretability Hypothesis (Tsimpli 2003; Hawkins and Hattori 2006). Aspect in Greek is a grammaticalized, interpretable feature affecting the argument structure and the telic/atelic interpretation of… read more