Mary M. Copple

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mary M. Copple plays a role.


Elements of Meaning in Gesture

Geneviève Calbris

[Gesture Studies, 5] 2011. xx, 378 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Gesture Studies | Pragmatics
Much research has discussed the perfect⇒perfective grammaticalization path, but more diachronic research is needed in order to detail the process. In varieties of Peninsular Spanish, the Present Perfect (PP) is grammaticalizing into a perfective, expanding into contexts of use previously occupied… read more
Copple, Mary M. 2007 Michael C. Corballis (2002). From hand to mouth. The origins of languageGestural Communication in Nonhuman and Human Primates, Liebal, Katja, Cornelia Müller and Simone Pika (eds.), pp. 257–275 | Review
Copple, Mary M. 2005 Review of Corballis ((2002)): From hand to mouth. The origins of languageGestural Communication in Nonhuman and Human Primates, Liebal, Katja, Cornelia Müller and Simone Pika (eds.), pp. 285–304 | Review
The role of gesture in Leroi-Gourhan’s theory of the origin of language is portrayed in its historical context and in view of recent research to allow a balanced appraisal of his contribution to the debate. Written in the mid-1960s, his Gesture and Speech offers a vivid contrast to Chomsky’s… read more