Raphael Sannholm

List of John Benjamins publications for which Raphael Sannholm plays a role.

Sannholm, Raphael 2025 Chapter 9. Co-constructing cognitive artifacts in the translation workplaceField Research on Translation and Interpreting, Rogl, Regina, Daniela Schlager and Hanna Risku (eds.), pp. 200–225 | Chapter
This chapter concerns collaboration in the translation workplace, specifically the joint construction of a central workplace resource, a client guidelines document, by two translators. Using conversation analysis, the moment-to-moment interaction between the translators is analysed as they… read more
This article sheds light on two different perspectives on the boundaries of the cognitive system and the consequences of their adoption for Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies (CTIS). Both are represented by different approaches within the cognitive scientific cluster of approaches… read more
Tiselius, Elisabet, Raphael Sannholm and Laura Babcock 2022 Innovative approaches to study Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies: An introductionTranslation, Cognition & Behavior 5:2, pp. 216–220 | Introduction