Maria Calzada Pérez
List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Calzada Pérez plays a role.
The group in the self: A corpus-assisted discourse studies approach to personal and group communication at the European Parliament Pragmatics 29:3, pp. 357–383 | Article
2019 Drawing on theoretical approaches to personal/group behaviour, and informed by Michael Hoey’s priming theory, this paper presents a corpus-assisted discourse study of European Parliament interventions from 2004 to 2011. The study aims to identify the group in the self and the various selves in… read more
Researching the European Parliament with Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies: From the micro- and macro-levels of text to the macro-context Specialised Translation in Spain: Institutional dimensions, Santaemilia-Ruiz, José and Sergio Maruenda-Bataller (eds.), pp. 465–490 | Article
2017 Parliaments are important and complex institutions. However, they are notably under-researched within linguistics and related fields. This is certainly the case with the European Parliament (EP). Drawing both on Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) and prior, manual research on parliamentary… read more
Five turns of the screw: A CADS analysis of the European Parliament Journal of Language and Politics 16:3, pp. 412–433 | Article
2017 The present paper proposes a CADS-based analysis of European Parliament speeches, by merging (C)DA theoretical constructs (inspired by Laclau and Mouffe 1985) and CL tools. In this fashion, the European Comparable and Parallel Corpus of Parliamentary Speeches Archive (ECPC) is examined along… read more
Corpus-based methods for Comparative Translation and Interpreting Studies: Mapping differences and similarities with traditional and innovative tools Toward Comparative Translation and Interpreting Studies, Tyulenev, Sergey and Binghan Zheng (eds.), pp. 231–252 | Article
2017 Comparative Translation and Interpreting Studies (CTIS1) encompasses all research processes resulting from the comparison of theories, products, and practices associated with the tasks performed by translators and interpreters during their work. A specific set of comparative methods and tools… read more
Una aproximación empírica a la clasificación y traducción de las figuras retóricas en la publicidad Babel 57:1, pp. 32–57 | Article
2011 Since ancient times the suasive value of rhetorical figures has been vastly studied. In fact, Aristotle himself argued that the aim of rhetoric was not just to persuade but to find the best methods of persuasion (Aristotle, Retorica, ed. 1990). These methods have been frequently used in… read more
A three-level methodology for descriptive-explanatory Translation Studies Target 13:2, pp. 203–239 | Article
2001 Drawing mainly on Vidal (1998), Tymoczko (2000) and Harvey (forthcoming), Hatim and Mason (1990, 1997) and Mason (2000), the present paper proposes a threefold analytical methodology consisting of: description, ideological explanation, and perlocutionary exploration of texts. In practice, the… read more
Translators in Wonderland: A Study of the Tempo-cultural Aspects of Alice in Wonderland Babel 41:2, pp. 86–109 | Article
1995 On a décrit Alice au pays des merveilles comme "le conte, le plus inépuisable jamais conté". Cependant de nombreuses traductions en d'autres langues, dont l'espagnol, n'ont pas été entièrement acceptées par les cultures "cible". Le présent article étudie les problèmes spatiaux-temporels qui… read more
Trusting the translator Babel 39:3, pp. 158–174 | Article
1993 Dans cet article, je pose comme "postulat" l'existence du concept d'équivalence en traduction. Je commence par définir ce qui est entendu par le terme "équivalence", ensuite je regroupe plusieurs approches dans trois sections, l'analysant ainsi en trois points de vue différents. La première analyse… read more