The integration of new technologies in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis necessitates thorough discussion. This chapter explores the combination of recordings from a mobile eye-tracking device with recordings from an external mobile video camera, which may reveal intricate details of… read more
Within social scientific research searching for products is overwhelmingly reduced and represented as an activity that is embedded in decision-making processes. This study shows that searching is extremely multimodally rich and complex and that structured stages of searching are the product of… read more
This EMCA (Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis) study concerns carers’ multimodal methods for including residents living with dementia in social activities in remote locations. It illustrates how groups of residents are pre-arranged and how the residents are subsequently singled out one… read more
This article presents a study of participants’ practices for closing buying-selling encounters in retail shops. The study shows how the handing over of a shopping bag with the items purchased serves as a resource for organizing the closing of the encounter. Further, taking its point of departure… read more
This paper presents a study of how teenage boys with learning disabilities evaluate co-participants’ ‘cognitive’ or ‘mental’ state competences in interaction (“you are sick in the head”). The evaluations emerge out of disputes and disagreements about social experiences and end these disputes by… read more
This collection of papers analyzes the phenomena of ‘cognition,’ ‘competences,’ and ‘evaluation’ with an ethnomethodological (EM) and/or conversation analytic (CA) praxiological approach. Hence, the approach of this collection differs from many approaches and research interests within cognitive… read more