Eckhard Bick

List of John Benjamins publications for which Eckhard Bick plays a role.


Wärnsby, Anna, Asko Kauppinen, Andreas Eriksson, Maria Wiktorsson, Eckhard Bick and Leif-Joran Olsson 2016 Building interdisciplinary bridges: MUCH: The Malmö University-Chalmers Corpus of Academic Writing as a ProcessNew Approaches to English Linguistics: Building bridges, Timofeeva, Olga, Anne-Christine Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja and Sarah Chevalier (eds.), pp. 197–211 | Article
This paper describes a corpus of writing as a process (MUCH), comprising English as a Foreign Language (EFL) student texts. The corpus will contain a large number of richly annotated papers in several versions from students of different performance levels. It will also include peer and instructor… read more
Bick, Eckhard 2014 The grammatical annotation of speech corpora: Techniques and perspectivesSpoken Corpora and Linguistic Studies, Raso, Tommaso and Heliana Mello (eds.), pp. 105–128 | Article
This chapter discusses the grammatical annotation of speech corpora on the one hand (C-ORAL-Brasil, NURC) and speech-like text on the other (e-mail, chat, tv-news, parliamentary discussions), drawing on Portuguese data for the former and English data for the latter. We try to identify and compare… read more