Bonny Norton

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bonny Norton plays a role.


Norton, Bonny 2018 Identity and investment in multilingual classroomsForeign Language Education in Multilingual Classrooms, Bonnet, Andreas and Peter Siemund (eds.), pp. 237–252 | Chapter
This chapter examines the trajectory of Bonny Norton’s research on identity and language learning, highlighting her construct of investment, developed as a sociological complement to the psychological construct of motivation (Norton 2013). An important focus of the chapter is the expanded 2015… read more
Early, Margaret and Bonny Norton 2012 Language learner stories and imagined identitiesNarrative Inquiry 22:1, pp. 194–201 | Article
In seeking to better understand English language learners and their imagined identities, which is the central focus of our article, scholars have drawn extensively on the work of Norton and colleagues. This work has foregrounded the language learner as a participating social agent with complex and… read more