Timo Korkiakangas
List of John Benjamins publications for which Timo Korkiakangas plays a role.
Spoken Latin behind written texts: Formulaicity and salience in medieval documentary texts Diachronic Treebanks for Historical Linguistics, Eckhoff, Hanne Martine, Silvia Luraghi and Marco Passarotti (eds.), pp. 129–148 | Chapter
2020 This study uses treebanking to investigate how spoken language infiltrated legal Latin in early medieval Italy. The documents used are always formulaic, but they also always contain a ‘free’ part where the case in question is described in free prose. This paper uses this difference to measure how… read more
Spoken Latin behind written texts: Formulaicity and salience in medieval documentary texts Diachronic Treebanks, Eckhoff, Hanne Martine, Silvia Luraghi and Marco Passarotti (eds.), pp. 429–449 | Article
2018 This study uses treebanking to investigate how spoken language infiltrated legal Latin in early medieval Italy. The documents used are always formulaic, but they also always contain a ‘free’ part where the case in question is described in free prose. This paper uses this difference to measure… read more