Laura Karttunen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Laura Karttunen plays a role.


Applied Narratology

Edited by Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar, Laura Karttunen and Anna Ovaska

Special issue of Narrative Inquiry 34:2 (2024) v, 199 pp.


Moenandar, Sjoerd-Jeroen, Laura Karttunen and Anna Ovaska 2024 Introduction: Applied NarratologyApplied Narratology, Moenandar, Sjoerd-Jeroen, Laura Karttunen and Anna Ovaska (eds.), pp. 233–239 | Introduction
Karttunen, Laura 2013 How to distinguish hypothetical from actual speech in fiction: Testing the typicality hypothesisLiterary Linguistics, Müller-Wood, Anja (ed.), pp. 108–128 | Article
This paper investigates the connection between counterfactuality and stereotypicality in direct speech representation. In Monika Fludernik’s theory of schematic language representation, quotations typify rather than reproduce, and typicality coincides with stereotypical expressivity in the form… read more