Danijela Majstorović

List of John Benjamins publications for which Danijela Majstorović plays a role.


Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Majstorović, Danijela 2019 Chapter 9. Epistemes of contemporary nationhood: Narrations of the past, legitimations of the futurePolitical Discourse in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe, Berrocal, Martina and Aleksandra Salamurović (eds.), pp. 211–238 | Chapter
This chapter aims to map the configurations of dominant epistemes of the contemporary Serb nationhood in Republika Srpska (RS) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) as truth claims in the current social hegemony founded on discourses legitimizing the 1992–1995 wars. By engaging in a combination of… read more
This paper investigates politico-media discourses of the international community revolving for the last few decades around the process of Europeanization in Bosnia and Herzegovina from its Dayton inception until 2015. We first explain the contours of the BiH context and then use a critical… read more
Majstorović, Danijela and Inger Lassen 2011 Gender imbalances revisited: IntroductionLiving with Patriarchy: Discursive constructions of gendered subjects across cultures, Majstorović, Danijela and Inger Lassen (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Article
Majstorović, Danijela and Maja Mandic 2011 What it means to be a Bosnian woman: Analyzing women’s talk between patriarchy and emancipationLiving with Patriarchy: Discursive constructions of gendered subjects across cultures, Majstorović, Danijela and Inger Lassen (eds.), pp. 81–109 | Article
Presuming discourse to be both socially determined and socially determinative when it comes to attitudes, opinions and perceptions about the world, we wanted to explore to what extent the ways in which women in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) speak about themselves are determined by the patriarchal… read more
Majstorović, Danijela 2008 Review of Hansen (2006): Security as Practice-Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian WarBranding Political Entities in a Globalised World, Mitsikopoulou, Bessie (ed.), pp. 494–500 | Review