Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky

List of John Benjamins publications for which Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky plays a role.


Legal Pragmatics

Edited by Dennis Kurzon and Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 288] 2018. viii, 278 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Forensic & legal linguistics | Pragmatics

Historical Courtroom Discourse

Edited by Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky

Special issue of Journal of Historical Pragmatics 7:2 (2006) 160 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics
Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara 2018 Chapter 3. Implicatures in Early Modern English courtroom recordsLegal Pragmatics, Kurzon, Dennis and Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky (eds.), pp. 65–80 | Chapter
This paper studies the role of conversational implicatures in the 17th century courtroom discourse. My hypothesis is that the use of the literal vs. non-literal language runs along the distinction between the powerless interrogated (the defendant, the witnesses) and the powerful interrogators… read more
Kurzon, Dennis and Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky 2018 IntroductionLegal Pragmatics, Kurzon, Dennis and Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Chapter
Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara 2010 Power in Early Modern English courtroom discourseDiscourses in Interaction, Tanskanen, Sanna-Kaisa, Marja-Liisa Helasvuo, Marjut Johansson and Mia Raitaniemi (eds.), pp. 153–172 | Article
The paper discusses power in Early Modern English courtroom. A few levels of linguistic analysis are examined for the occurrence of the exponents of power. As regards lexicon, it is the specific vocabulary which creates the social distance between the interrogators and the interrogated. My… read more
Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara 2006 Impoliteness in Early Modern English courtroom discourseHistorical Courtroom Discourse, Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara (ed.), pp. 213–243 | Article
The paper investigates whether the notion of impoliteness worked out for synchronic pragmatics is also applicable in diachronic pragmatics. An analysis of two Early Modern English court trial records demonstrates that the answer is positive provided some new dimensions are added. My model of… read more
Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara 2006 Historical courtroom discourse: IntroductionHistorical Courtroom Discourse, Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara (ed.), pp. 163–179 | Article
Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara 2005 Review of Hiltunen & Watanabe (2004): Approaches to Style and Discourse in EnglishThe Evolution of Pragmatic Markers, Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt and Corinne Rossari (eds.), pp. 336–343 | Review
The paper aims at answering some questions essential for a historical pragmaticist. It examines to what extent the written records available nowadays reflect the language spoken in the past, i.e. what their degree of orality is. The data are two Early Modern English texts: The trial of Titus… read more
Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara 1997 Surprise, surprise: The iconicity-conventionality scale of emotionsThe Language of Emotions: Conceptualization, expression, and theoretical foundation, Niemeier, Susanne and René Dirven † (eds.), pp. 155–172 | Article
Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara 1995 Demonstratives in Early Modern English LettersHistorical Pragmatics: Pragmatic developments in the history of English, Jucker, Andreas H. (ed.), pp. 329–344 | Article
Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara 1991 Deictic pronouns as anaphora in English and PolishFurther Insights into Contrastive Analysis, Fisiak, Jacek (ed.), pp. 461–486 | Article