Michelle Lecolle

List of John Benjamins publications for which Michelle Lecolle plays a role.


Lecolle, Michelle 2023 Human collective nouns and plural definite noun phrases: Semantic and argumentative perspectives on plural reference in FrenchReference: From conventions to pragmatics, Gardelle, Laure, Laurence Vincent-Durroux and Hélène Vinckel-Roisin (eds.), pp. 153–170 | Chapter
This chapter explores nominal forms with a plural meaning that denote groups of humans in French: human collective nouns (HCNs) and plural definite noun phrases (NP with [les ‘the’ + Nplural]). I combine semantic-referential and argumentative perspectives in order to assess the role of plural… read more
This article deals with adjective-to-noun conversion in French, namely the case of -aire derived lexemes. It is argued here that the intermediate and hybrid status of certain bi-categorial adjective/noun items can be viewed as an intermediate theoretical step on the way to actual conversion; we… read more