Susumu Kubo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Susumu Kubo plays a role.


Essays in Speech Act Theory

Edited by Daniel Vanderveken and Susumu Kubo

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 77] 2002. vi, 345 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Philosophy | Pragmatics


Kubo, Susumu 2003 Directions of regulation in speech act theoryMeaning Through Language Contrast: Volume 2, Jaszczolt, Katarzyna M. and Ken Turner (eds.), pp. 183–195 | Article
Kubo, Susumu 2002 Chapter 10. Illocutionary Morphology and Speech ActsEssays in Speech Act Theory, Vanderveken, Daniel and Susumu Kubo (eds.), pp. 209–224 | Chapter
Vanderveken, Daniel and Susumu Kubo 2002 Chapter 1. IntroductionEssays in Speech Act Theory, Vanderveken, Daniel and Susumu Kubo (eds.), pp. 1–21 | Chapter