Inge Bartning

List of John Benjamins publications for which Inge Bartning plays a role.



Arvidsson, Klara, Fanny Forsberg Lundell et Inge Bartning 2019 Réseaux sociaux et développement linguistique: Une étude de cas en français L2Language, Interaction and Acquisition 10:2, pp. 255–288 | Article
Cette étude longitudinale contribue aux recherches sur l’acquisition d’une langue seconde (L2) dans le contexte de séjour linguistique à l'étranger (Study Abroad), où l’on s’intéresse de plus en plus à comprendre comment les facteurs non-linguistiques interagissent avec le développement… read more
Bartning, Inge, Klara Arvidsson and Fanny Forsberg Lundell 2015 Complexity at the phrasal level in spoken L1 and very advanced L2 FrenchLanguage, Interaction and Acquisition 6:2, pp. 181–201 | Article
This article examines linguistic complexity in the noun phrase in spoken L1 and L2 French. Research on linguistic complexity in L2 has often concentrated on syntactic complexity, subordination in particular. In this study, we focus on syntactic complexity at the phrasal level, i.e. in the noun… read more
This chapter presents a synthesis of research on the acquisition of French as a second and foreign language undertaken at Stockholm University. It relates the earlier results of the project called InterFra (French interlanguage — development, interaction and variation) with more recent research on… read more
Cet article présente une synthèse des recherches en acquisition du français langue seconde/étrangère menées à l’Université de Stockholm. Il fait le lien entre les premiers résultats obtenus au sein du projet InterFra (Interlangue française — développement, interaction et variation) avec les… read more
Bartning, Inge, Fanny Forsberg Lundell and Victorine Hancock 2009 Resources and obstacles in very advanced L2 French: Formulaic language, information structure and morphosyntaxEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 9 (2009), Roberts, Leah, Georges Daniel Véronique, Anna Nilsson and Marion Tellier (eds.), pp. 185–211 | Article
This study builds on the proposition that there are six developmental stages for spoken L2 French, based on morpho-syntactic criteria (Bartning and Schlyter 2004). In order to investigate developmental stages ‘beyond stage 6’, oral productions of several groups of advanced learners/users and native… read more
Bartning, Inge 2001 8. Towards a typology of French NP de NP structures or how much possession is there in complex noun phrases with de in French?Dimensions of Possession, Baron, Irène, Michael Herslund and Finn Sørensen (eds.), pp. 147 ff. | Chapter