Folkert Kuiken

List of John Benjamins publications for which Folkert Kuiken plays a role.


Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching

Dimensions of L2 Performance and Proficiency: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in SLA

Edited by Alex Housen, Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder

[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 32] 2012. xii, 305 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching

The Lexicon–Syntax Interface in Second Language Acquisition

Edited by Roeland van Hout, Aafke Hulk, Folkert Kuiken and Richard J. Towell

Subjects Language acquisition | Semantics | Syntax
Linguistic performance elicited by language tasks has generally been operationalized in terms of complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF). However, this study argues that assessment of L2 proficiency is impossible without taking into account the adequacy and efficacy of L2 performance. To that… read more
Kuiken, Folkert and Ineke Vedder 2022 Chapter 14. Speaking: Complexity, accuracy, fluency, and functional adequacy (CAFFA)Instructed Second Language Acquisition Research Methods, Gurzynski-Weiss, Laura and YouJin Kim (eds.), pp. 329–352 | Chapter
This chapter focuses on the assessment of oral performance in a second language (L2), viewed from the perspective of task-based language assessment and instructed second language acquisition. The notion of L2 proficiency, as presented in the Common European Framework of References (Council of… read more
The present study examined whether ten motivations to read expository texts moderated the effects of cognitive skills on eighth graders’ expository text comprehension, while accounting for the main effects of cognitive skills. Furthermore, it was examined whether the effect of motivational… read more
Kuiken, Folkert and Ineke Vedder 2018 Chapter 11. Assessing functional adequacy of L2 performance in a task-based approachTask-Based Approaches to Teaching and Assessing Pragmatics, Taguchi, Naoko and YouJin Kim (eds.), pp. 265–285 | Chapter
When assessing L2 performance in task-based research, dimensions of complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) have typically been evaluated. Less attention has, however, been devoted to the functional dimension. This paper argues that it is critical to consider the functional dimension of L2… read more
In dit artikel gaan we in de eerste plaats in op de vraag in hoeverre we ons zorgen moeten maken omtrent de taalvaardigheid in het Nederlands van studenten in het hoger onderwijs en met welke taalproblemen studenten vooral kampen. Vervolgens is het de vraag hoe aan deze problemen het hoofd kan… read more
Kuiken, Folkert and Elisabeth van der Linden 2013 Language policy and language education in the Netherlands and RomaniaDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 2:2, pp. 205–223 | Article
The European Union encourages all its citizens to be able to speak two languages in addition to their mother tongue. However, since the content of educational systems is the responsibility of individual member states, promoting multilingualism depends on the language policy of each member state.… read more
Housen, Alex, Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder 2012 Complexity, accuracy and fluency: Definitions, measurement and researchDimensions of L2 Performance and Proficiency: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in SLA, Housen, Alex, Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Article
Housen, Alex, Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder 2012 EpilogueDimensions of L2 Performance and Proficiency: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in SLA, Housen, Alex, Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder (eds.), pp. 299–302 | Article
The research project reported in this chapter consists of three studies in which syntactic complexity, lexical variation and fluency appear as dependent variables. The independent variables are task complexity and proficiency level, as the three studies investigate the effect of task complexity on… read more
Michel, Marije C., Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder 2012 Task complexity and interaction: (Combined) effects on task-based performance in Dutch as a second languageEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 12 (2012), Roberts, Leah, Christina Lindqvist, Camilla Bardel and Niclas Abrahamsson (eds.), pp. 164–190 | Article
This paper presents the overarching conclusions of three consecutive investigations into task-based L2 performance. It aims at giving a better understanding of how changes in the number of elements referred to in a task affect L2 production, and how this relates to cognitive task complexity.… read more
In the last few years Amsterdam has invested much money and energy in the early education of 21/2- to 6-year old children in an effort to improve the quality of this type of education. Great care is taken that the conditions for a successful preschool education are fulfilled. The language… read more
The chapter discusses the question to what extent the effect of task complexity on linguistic performance in L2 writing and speaking is influenced by the mode in which the tasks have to be performed (oral versus written). The majority of studies which have been conducted so far in the framework of… read more
Dijkstra, Jelske, Folkert Kuiken, René Jorna en Edwin Klinkenberg 2010 The Early Development of a Bilingual Vocabulary: First MeasurementsToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 84/85, pp. 83–92 | Article
Gathercole & Thomas (2009) concluded that Welsh children easily gained proficiency in the majority language (English) whereas the acquisition of the minority language (Welsh) lagged behind due to reduced input. Does this trend also occur in other minority language contexts, e.g. for Frisian in a… read more
Beuningen, Catherine van, N.H. de Jong and Folkert Kuiken 2008 The Effect of Direct and Indirect Corrective Feedback on L2 Learners’ Written AccuracyLearning and Teaching L2 Writing, Weijen, Daphne van, Elke Van Steendam and Gert Rijlaarsdam (eds.), pp. 279–296 | Article
Among scholars there is disagreement on the benefits of corrective feedback on second language learners’ written output. While some researchers advocate the usefulness of corrective feedback, Truscott claims that all error correction is unnecessary, ineffective, and even harmful, in that it diverts… read more
Beuningen, Catherine van, N.H. de Jong en Folkert Kuiken 2008 Het Effect Van Correctieve Feedback Op Schrijfproducten Van Vmbo-T LeerlingenT2-verwerving: Onderzoek ontmoet onderwijsparktijk, pp. 63–74 | Article
The question if second language learners can benefit from corrective feedback has been a fiercely debated topic in the academic field for over a decade. Until now, research outcomes cannot settle this discussion since only short-term effectiveness of corrective feedback could be demonstrated. Due… read more
Sercu, Lies, Lieve De Wachter, Elke Peters, Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder 2006 The Effect of Task Complexity and Task Conditions on Foreign Language Development and Performance. Three Empirical Studies.Task-Based Language Teaching, Van den Branden, Kris and Machteld Verhelst (eds.), pp. 55–84 | Article
It has been argued that tasks constitute a valid alternative unit to sequence the language learning process, as opposed to linguistically defined syllabuses. Implementing this claim presupposes that it is possible to assess the cognitive and linguistic demands of tasks, so that they can be… read more
Kuiken, Folkert, Maria Mos and Ineke Vedder 2005 Cognitive task complexity and second language writing performanceEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 5 (2005), Foster-Cohen, Susan H., María del Pilar García Mayo and Jasone Cenoz (eds.), pp. 195–222 | Article
This paper reports on a study in which two models proposed to explain the influence of cognitive task complexity on linguistic performance in L2 are tested and compared. The two models are Robinson’s Cognition Hypothesis (Robinson 2001a, 2001b) and Skehan and Foster’s Limited Attentional Capacity… read more
According to Robinson's Cognition Hypothesis of task-based L2 development, cognitively more demanding tasks will lead to the use of lexically and syntactically more complex language (Robinson 2001a, 2001b, in press). A different viewpoint is held by Skehan (1998) and Skehan & Foster (1999, 2001),… read more
Hout, Roeland van, Aafke Hulk and Folkert Kuiken 2003 10. The interface: Concluding remarksThe Lexicon–Syntax Interface in Second Language Acquisition, Hout, Roeland van, Aafke Hulk, Folkert Kuiken and Richard J. Towell (eds.), pp. 219–226 | Chapter
Kuiken, Folkert en Ineke Vedder 2000 Dictoglos als Vorm Van Samenwerkend LerenOnderzoek ontmoet onderwijs, pp. 49–58 | Article
This paper describes the dictoglos procedure in which learners try to reconstruct in small groups a text that has been read to them by the teacher. The procedure can be used for all kinds of learners irrespective of L1, L2 or acquisition level. The aim, theoretical assumptions and advantages of… read more
This article focuses on the relevance of implementation of second language methods in general and of Zebra in particular. Zebra is an introductory course in Dutch, designed for foreign students of 12 to 16 years of age. The article starts with the reasons why Zebra had to be developed. Zebra can be… read more
Bol, Gerard en Folkert Kuiken 1988 Morfosyntactische Ontwikkeling Bij Kinderen van Één tot VierTaalverwerving in onderzoek, pp. 58–66 | Article
The LARSP procedure by Crystal, Fletcher and Garman (1976) was used as a starting point for GRAMAT, a method by means of which the development of morphosyntax in Dutch children from one to four years of age can be profiled. The developmental scheme was based on 72 spontaneous speech samples of 42… read more
Bol, Gerard and Folkert Kuiken 1987 The Development of Morphosyntax in Dutch Children from One to FourPerspectives on Child Language, De Houwer, Annick and Steven Gillis (eds.), pp. 93–107 | Article
Bol, Gerard W. en Folkert Kuiken 1986 Het Gebruik Van Pronomina Bij Kinderen Van Een Tot VierPsycholinguistiek en taalstoornissen, pp. 47–58 | Article
In this article we discuss the sequence of emergence of six different types of pronouns in 36 Dutch children from one to four. This study is part of a larger project concerning the morphosyntactic development in normal Dutch children of that age. The aim of this project is to find out whether or… read more
This article sets forth the aims and principles of 'Van horen en zeggen1, a Dutch course for foreign children from 6 to 12 years of age, published by the 'Werkgroep Nederlands voor anderstaligen' in 1983-84. Each of the 20 lessons is built around a theme, related to the class, the neighbourhood,… read more
Kuiken, Folkert 1982 Spontane Tweede-TaalverwervingToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 14, pp. 128–132 | Article