Thorsten Fögen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Thorsten Fögen plays a role.


Linguistica Berolinensia

Edited by Thorsten Fögen and E.F.K. Koerner †

Special issue of Historiographia Linguistica 31:2/3 (2004) 314 pp.
Subjects History of linguistics
Koerner, E.F.K. †, Maria Patrizia Bologna, Els Elffers-van Ketel, Thorsten Fögen and Ad Foolen 2005 Publications Received / Ouvrages Reçus Eingegangene SchriftenHistoriographia Linguistica 32:3, pp. 425–441 | Publications received
Koerner, E.F.K. †, Thorsten Fögen and John E. Joseph 2005 Publications Received / Ouvrages Reçus / Eingegangene SchriftenHistoriographia Linguistica 32:1/2, pp. 261–272 | Publications received
Fögen, Thorsten 2004 Gender-specific communication in Graeco-Roman antiquity: With a research bibliographyLinguistica Berolinensia, Fögen, Thorsten and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 199–276 | Article
It has been the main interest of numerous studies in modern linguistics, in particular since the 1980s, to analyse gender-specific language and modes of communication. However, the vast majority of these contributions completely ignores the fact that some ancient authors already raised the… read more
Fögen, Thorsten and E.F.K. Koerner † 2004 Editors’ forewordLinguistica Berolinensia, Fögen, Thorsten and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 197–198 | Editorial
Koerner, E.F.K. †, Jivco Boyadjiev, Thorsten Fögen, John E. Joseph and Jan Noordegraaf 2004 Publications Received/Ouvrages Reçus/Eingegangene SchriftenLinguistica Berolinensia, Fögen, Thorsten and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 485–499 | Publications received