Isabelle Peeters

List of John Benjamins publications for which Isabelle Peeters plays a role.


This article builds a case for a dynamic and flexible translation competence, with several subordinate competence components interacting in different constellations. A core element of the system proposed is (inter)cultural competence, given that poor (inter)cultural background is a common source of… read more
Magnus, Ilse et Isabelle Peeters 2010 Les systèmes prépositionnels en français et en néerlandais: Les emplois nouveaux de sur et leurs traductions en néerlandaisFrench Syntax in Contrast, Lahousse, Karen, Béatrice Lamiroy and Kristel Van Goethem (eds.), pp. 224–238 | Article
The French spatial preposition sur (‘on’) has recently developed new spatial usages. It has evolved from expressing a spatial configuration of superposition to also expressing extent and even a location which is merely relational. The aim of our study is to provide evidence for the hypothesis of… read more