Meltem Kelepir

List of John Benjamins publications for which Meltem Kelepir plays a role.


Exploring the Turkish Linguistic Landscape: Essays in honor of Eser Erguvanlı-Taylan

Edited by Mine Güven, Didar Akar, Balkız Öztürk and Meltem Kelepir

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 175] 2016. xviii, 202 pp.
Subjects Altaic languages | Theoretical linguistics
Saral, Burcu and Meltem Kelepir 2020 The universal quantifier ‘all’ in Turkish Sign LanguageMorphological Complexity within and across Boundaries: In honour of Aslı Göksel, Gürer, Aslı, Dilek Uygun-Gökmen and Balkız Öztürk (eds.), pp. 353–384 | Chapter
This paper discusses four signs in TİD that play a role in expressing universal quantification. We argue that all and the mouthing of the Turkish word hepsi ‘all’ /hepsi/ are universal quantificational determiners. The other two are morphologically complex signs. all_of_those is the product of… read more
Kelepir, Meltem, Aslı Özkul and Elvan Tamyürek Özparlak 2018 Agent-backgrounding in Turkish Sign Language (TİD)Impersonal human reference in Sign Languages, Barberà, Gemma and Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (eds.), pp. 257–283 | Article
This paper investigates agent-backgrounding constructions in Turkish Sign Language (TİD). TİD displays many of the agent-backgrounding strategies reported in the literature that signed (and spoken) languages employ (Barberà & Cabredo Hofherr, this volume). Use of non-specific indefinite… read more
Güven, Mine, Didar Akar, Balkız Öztürk and Meltem Kelepir 2016 Eser E. Erguvanlı-Taylan: An explorer in uncharted fields of Turkish linguisticsExploring the Turkish Linguistic Landscape: Essays in honor of Eser Erguvanlı-Taylan, Güven, Mine, Didar Akar, Balkız Öztürk and Meltem Kelepir (eds.), pp. xi–xiv | Article
In this article, we analyse the role of the head in content questions and polar questions in Turkish Sign Language (Türk İşaret Dili — TİD). We claim that the head not only robustly marks the difference between these two types, but in addition marks an utterance as having interrogative mood. We… read more