Christoph Schroeder

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christoph Schroeder plays a role.


Literacy Acquisition in School in the Context of Migration and Multilingualism: A binational survey

Inken Sürig, Yazgül Şimşek, Christoph Schroeder and Anja Boness

[Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity, 5] 2016. xii, 297 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Writing and literacy


Goschler, Juliana, Christoph Schroeder and Till Woerfel 2020 Chapter 5. Convergence in the encoding of motion events in heritage Turkish in Germany: An acceptability studyStudies in Turkish as a Heritage Language, Bayram, Fatih (ed.), pp. 87–104 | Chapter
The encoding of motion is a particularly interesting domain of German-Turkish language contact. German is a “satellite-framed language” that easily combines manner-of-motion verbs with path expressions outside of the verb stem. Turkish, on the other hand, is considered a “verb-framed language”,… read more
Schroeder, Christoph 2020 The advanced acquisition of orthography in heritage Turkish in GermanyLiteracies in Contact, Böhm, Manuela and Constanze Weth (eds.), pp. 251–271 | Article
The paper investigates Turkish texts from heritage speakers of Turkish in Germany in a pseudo-longitudinal setting, looking at pupils’ texts from the 5th, 7th, 10th and 12th grades. Two types of dynamics are identified in the advanced acquisition of Turkish orthography in the heritage context.… read more
Schroeder, Christoph 2016 Clause combining in Turkish as a minority language in GermanyExploring the Turkish Linguistic Landscape: Essays in honor of Eser Erguvanlı-Taylan, Güven, Mine, Didar Akar, Balkız Öztürk and Meltem Kelepir (eds.), pp. 81–102 | Article
As is well known, Turkish is a language which has predominantly non-finite subordination in the domain of clause combining. In addition, Turkish contains a variety of strategies of finite clause combining, and the distribution between finite and non-finite strategies can be related to register… read more